Saturday, November 11, 2006

How to install beryl 3D desktop on Ubuntu Edgy 64 bit

To install the popular 3D desktop manager beryl on a 64 bit ubuntu installation can be somewhat annoying if you are a newbie to ubuntu like myself. There are a bunch of sites that tell you how to install berryl package etc. and they are all very good. I followed them and kept getting this error:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package bery1

Did you get that too?

Well don't give up hope just yet. Chances are you did the same stupid thing I did. Here's the crux of the problem.

When I added the source repository to /etc/apt/sources.list, I copy/pasted the following:

deb edgy main-edgy


For a 64 bit processor what you need is this:

deb edgy main-edgy main-edgy-amd64

If you add that and update the package list, you should then be able to install beryl along with its dependencies. Here's an article which describes it better:

And BTW, it's all worth it. Ubuntu with beryl ROCKS!!!

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